Digital Solutions for Analog Small Businesses

Frequently Asked Questions

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In a perfect situation where you have all your content and requirements ready and there aren’t any complex integrations or functionality requirements the average time to live is 6 weeks. 

I encourage clients who may need to get a website up and running quickly that we look at rolling out in phases.

Yes! But you don’t have to. But if you want to I will train you and give you documentation. I build all websites (well, 99.99% of them) in WordPress. There are multiple ways that WordPress sites can be managed and I can make it pretty easy for someone who feels uncomfortable logging into a content management system to do what they need to do.

I can register it for you, or give you instructions on how to do it. You will always own your domain name.

Good question! I probably can, but it may be faster and less expensive to build a new one (really!). I’m happy to take a look though and give you some options. 

Of course! You own not just the content but the code as well. Your site is backed up regularly and you can get that package at any time.

If you want to move it somewhere else I can package it up – the whole thing – for an easy migration (as long as you’re keeping WordPress). You will have all the logins.

I host all my sites through, where I have a pro account and a VPS. Hosting is included in the cost of your site.

Search engine optimization is one of my responsibilities when I’m building your site. There are many factors that go into how your site is found by search engines and we will go over all that during our discovery phase.

Do not believe anyone who says they can guarantee you showing up at the top of search results. Being at the top of a search term is expensive and of no use if the website itself does not do its job as an extension of the products and/or services you offer. 

Your website will have analytics added and you’ll receive reports at a cadence that you prefer.

You should have a budget of somewhere between $1500 and $3500. 

I offer a very reasonable annual maintenance fee (based on the cost of the site) that covers most changes, software updates, annual license fees, etc. You will have access to a help desk system so that things to do not get lost in email. If you do not want to pay for support annually I can bill changes at an hourly rate.

Note – extensive changes in functionality will be scoped and quoted as a separate contract.

Nope. I like to keep it simple. The initial cost of your site includes all hosting and support for a year. Then each year you’ll get an invoice for an amount that is based off of the type of website you have (ecommerce or not ecommerce usually) plus any ongoing license costs that I’ve paid for out of pocket. That covers you for maintenance and hosting for another year. 

I require a 50% deposit to get the ball rolling, and the balance due when the site is fully live (you may have a “coming soon” page up – that doesn’t count as “live”). 

In very select circumstances I may split any balance due into a couple of payments.