These are just a few of my current clients, the majority of which have been with me for years. My goal is to enable them to focus on providing the services they do without having to learn how to build and maintain a website as well.
The women at Brassy Bit needed someone to come and find out why their site was slow. I took a look and came up with a list of suggestions. They hired me to do those changes, as well as to do ongoing maintenance and upgrades. They are a high volume website and need someone available to address issues in a very timely manner.
I’ve worked with Christie for a number of years and when she was ready to start her own real estate brokerage she called me to set up a new site. With a focus on SEO for local realty Christie’s new site was up and running very quickly and I’m thrilled to be part of her successful company expansion.
Gina is another client I have worked with over the years. She runs a very successful eventing barn in Illinois. She’ll be the first to admit she is not tech savvy so she needed someone who could not just build a site, but keep it up to date and manage a catalog of products for her saddle-fitting business. As a fellow equestrian I bring an understanding of her industry to our partnership, as well as my website skills.
Cory came to me as a referral from Gina Pletch of Pletch Eventing. I get a number of my clients through personal referrals, which I love. Cory needed a basic content website that he could just get up and forget about. Since his services are hyper local we made sure he has a good Google Local listing and that his website helps people looking for the services he offers that are near to them.
Victoria was referred to me by another client who is also a therapist who offers virtual training in the animal-assisted therapy space. Victoria had a website up but didn’t have consistent support for updates and management. I’m so happy to be able to help her with fast updates and end-to-end virtual events.
When you have a business that sells a niche product you need to educate potential customers on what they are getting for their money. New England Porch Rockers needed a way for custom orders to be put in through the website, as well as content that showcased the history of the quintessential New England porch rocker. The quality of a handmade rocker guarantees it will be a family heirloom and Made in the USA is an important distinction for this small, woman-owned business.