What has your website done for you lately?

You got your website up when you opened your business, right before COVID. Your business survived the pandemic and you are now happily on the other side and have managed to do some growth in the last year or two. With the growth of your business has come a lot of calls from potential customers, asking basic questions about your services. You take these calls because you have to but they use valuable time and energy you could be using to manage better leads.

In all this time and growth you haven’t touched your website. There is still a notification about mask wearing and your copyright says 2021. The contact form is going to an email address you no longer manage. There are broken pages. You have no idea how to update the site even though you have the logins, nor do you have the time.

Your website is currently not doing very much for you at all, and is in fact creating more work for you, and not the good kind.

Having a current website with information that potential customers are looking for is vitally important. You should also be asking yourself regularly what else your website could be doing for you. Can it tie into your appointment scheduling software? Can customers pay bills through it? Are you showing off your latest work? What about reviews and testimonials? Is it building trust with potential and existing customers? 

A website is not just a Yellow Pages listing. It can be just that of course, but given the time and expense invested it should be doing a whole lot more for you. It is never a bad idea to take stock of how you can create efficiencies in your business through your website. Work with a consultant who is not going to try and sell you something you don’t need. We here at Digital Epona are always happy to talk to you about what you may find useful today, and what you might want to think about for future growth.